• Degenerational Wealth

    It is the middle ground between pen and paper, between dreams and reality, and it lies between the pit of ridiculousness and the summit of absurdity. This is the dimension of creation.

  • AuGHOSTus Challenge

    👻 The AUGHOSTus Challenge is a just for fun art prompt event… it’s the the third year this challenge has taken place.

  • Skinned Alive 3: Dead Skin

    Skinned Alive is a collectible art series that peels the skin and explores the similarities of mental struggles, and inner battles we face despite our differences.

  • Deck of Degeneracy Art Collection

    DoD is a collection of art pieces created exclusively for lucky holders of Deck of Degeneracy.

email: kahncept@me.com for collabs, projects & commissions ;)